Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kirk krak

I did not like this book. I realize that this is a class about humanity and empathy, but the stories were very depressing and graphic. However, I thought that the style of writing in stories such as "Children of the Sea" was intresting. Although it was a little harder to follow the story, seeing the writing from two main characters perspective was more captivating then just reading from one.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Steve Gibiser

Krik? Krak!
I thought that this book is the worst I have ever read. The story line and events kept you interested and guessing what will happen next. This shows the problems that occur in Haiti and shows the lives of various characters. Many see what it can be like in tough times in America, and even those times can be better then an average live in other countries. I think that Krik? Krak! shows this point. I will admit that I have read better books in my life but I don't think is was the worst I have ever read. I think this was an average book and on a 1 to 10 scale I would give it a 6.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Important Dates

On Monday, we will finish The Agronomist.

Monday night, you should read and take notes on the story "Children of the Sea" in Krik? Krak!

On Tuesday, we will take an open note exam on The Agronomist and "Children of the Sea."

Vocabulary Homework due Monday, November 16th

Complete the worksheet and make flashcards for each word.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What it means to be human?

To be human means to have feelings emotions and other characteristics such as love, anger and hatred. Humans also a much greater decision making process unlike any other species. Being a human also means having discipline and control over actions and choices in their life. It also means that we are aware of our actions and also aware of the consequences of those actions. Having a close family also having friends is another aspect. Having all of these traits on top of the five sense and the ability to control and manipulate all of them combined are the foundation to what it means to be human.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Steven Gibiser 10/5/09
Per. 5

The Recent Events Occurring in Iran-
It all began with the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. While Ahmadinejad may have limited control within the Iranian government, foreign officials take his statements more seriously. In September 2005, he delivered a fervent anti-American speech at a U.N. summit in New York. Iran as become chaotic over the past few months. The previous Nation of Islam and the recent events that have occurred there are have been caused by beliefs that have existed for hundreds of years in their culture. Many citizens have taken to the streets with riots and the SWAT has had to jump in many times. Since their government is a dictatorship, when they get involved the problems often get worse. If they could get over slight differences in their culture the people would be able to live happier, safer lives, however they hold true to what they were brought up to believe since the were young.

The Nation of Islam-
Islam started as a peaceful religion. Many became untied by the religion and their culture went through a time of peace. Today little difference has torn it apart and many don’t see a truce coming. Many riots and violent movements have been caused by the extremists who won’t accept anything else but then what they believe in. This is a problem that so far has not had much of a solution to it. These individuals must quickly stop fighting and try to solve their differences among them.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What it means to be a human

Technically a human being is a member of the species homo-sapien. To be a human is to have the right of life and freedom. Humans can choose what they want to do or who they want to be. To be a human means that you can make your own decisions. Humans are capable of Strong love and compassion, but also strong hatred and violence. I think that to act humanly is to show feelings of sympathy and empathy towards fellow humans, and treat everyone equally. Humans are unlike any other species on the planet.

What I Think it means to be Human

What I think it means to be human is to have freedom, rights, and equality. Be human is that everyone is equal. Also being human means that you should experience many things and you should feel. You should feel sadness sometimes, it will only means that you have feelings. Throughout your life you should experience Love because it is one of the greatest things anyone will experience. If you go through life with out experiencing some of the things.

Humanity is capable of a great many things, whether they are great or terrible things. It seems today that people have forgotten that we are all really the same, and should all have the common goal of bettering ourselves and enhancing our day to day lives. But instead they are so concerned about getting what they want whether it be power, legislation, or political gains they will stop at nothing even if it is at the expense of their fellow countrymen. There are radicals on both sides that make completely rash decisions and without reason. Humanity should be at peace with itself, because the more fighting that ensues the more that we hurt ourselves, we all should be united under one power and one flag. Yes some wars are needed because some individuals and groups such as terrorists or other violent extremists, these people benefit no one and really just manipulate their follower's beliefs.

What it means to be human

A human is a being that can think and feel. Whether or not these thoughts or feelings are positive or negative depends on the person. Some people say that in order to be human, you have to try to be always positive. You must never judge anyone based on personality or appearance, must always try to help others and care for others, and must try to be happy. If that was the case, then the majority of the population would not be considered human. Sadly, lots of people are willing to judge others for no real reasons and some people are just simply not good people. I think what it means to be human is to attempt, at most times, to be positive, but still accept that there is negativity out there. The negativity, however, can and should be controlled to prevent conflicts like war and genocide.

This part is by Tom Grisanti, whose blog apparently didn't work.

A human being is a hard thing to describe. A human is an individual, and yet at the same time a human being is a part of a crowd. A human is empathetic and sympathetic, but can still cause pain to others. We depend on others for happiness, but at the same time unhappiness stems from interactions as well. I suppose that human beings are walking emotional contradictions. We are dependent on something that makes us sad to make us happy.

what it means to be a human

To be a human means that you have they ability to have emotions, and have empathy for other human beings and other things. Humans unlike animals also have they ability to believe in higher powers such as God, Allah, and Buddha. This ability gives us another ability that no other living being has. They ability to know that one day u are doing to die and they acceptance of it. To be a human also means that we can create art, music, and movies because of are highly intelligent brains. Some believe that even the gods wish to like us because we know that one day we are going to die gives us they ability to do every activity like it was are last. Humans have they ability to feel, whether it be pain, joy, or love. Many people tend to isolate from the ones they love from fear of rejection. People with high anxiety tend to isolate from social situations, or just something simple as raising there hand to answer a question in class.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

what i think it means to be human

What it means to be human is to experience the good and bad things in life but understand and learn from them also. Being a human being we have a voice in what we do and a choice to change anything we put our minds to. Humans consist of complex feelings and emotions that only other humans can understand, making us like a big family. Us Human beings are the most complex organisms on earth therefore we should cherish life because we have it best.

What does it mean to be Human

To be Human, you must have a pulse. A human is someone with a heart and is able to show kindness towards others. Being human is whats on the inside and it does not matter about your appearance. It does not matter what race you are, what language you speak, or anything along those lines. I believe that it is completely associated with your heart and is something that everyone can be no matter where your from. I believe that people are not always too nice at times but everyone can share the one thing of being human.

Human on Vacation

To be Human:

Means that we are the most advanced beings on this earth, so despite the stress and crazy
life we have, its definitely the easiest and most fun life to live. In this picture it shows a family on
vacation have a great time enjoying the beach when they probably live in a town with trees no
where near the water. No other animal or living thing could have have this luxury and
enjoyment. Dogs don't go on vacations, raccoons aren't going to stay in a resort in the Bahamas
being waited on. We are so luck, and have it so good sometimes we forget, we don't have to
sit outside in the snow we can get on a plan and flight to a warm area and get on the beach.

To be human means to understand the concept of time. Not one living species is greater than the other, but the human race's ability to understand this concept enables us to evolve and develop on a much higher level than anyother species. A bird has been living in its nest ever since the human race has been living in caves. A bird lives for each day, while we are living for the future. We try to make this life span we invison for ourselves last us for as long as possible. We send rockets to space, we go to school and we create medicines because we know that we only have one life to live. Faith, religion and the idea of an after life are a huge part of being human. We want to believe that there is something else out there that will give us more time to keep on living.

What it means to be human?

"The human race may be compared to a writer. At the outset a writer has
often only a vague general notion of the plan of his work, and of the thought he
intends to elaborate. As he proceeds, penetrating his material, laboring to
express himself fitly, he lays a firmer grasp on his thought; he finds himself.
So the human race is writing its story, finding itself, discovering its own
underlying purpose, revising, recasting a tale pathetic often, yet none the less
- Felix Adler

Being human means being part of the human race, but it also means something more important. Being human means being able to alter your surrounding and change your environment. It means that you have the power to make a difference; every human being has the power to have a positive influence on the world around them.

Being human means having emotions. It means having the ability to make decisions based on these emotions. Whether the decisions are positive or negative is entirely up to the individual.

Being human, also, means making mistakes. As humans, we are able to fail, and in turn, learn from our failure. Making mistakes is how we learn, and in time, people can build off those mistakes and learn how to not make them again.

Human Being

A human being has the most developed brain out of any other living organism. This means we have the power to create and destroy more then anything else. We have the power of choice. We can choose to unite and advance our society together, like we have, or we can choose to remain divided like we started out and fight over our differences. Overall I believe we are a united country. Together we have fought for our rights and advanced our society with the technology we created. But although we are united, sometimes we can't get over little differences. Humans compete and strive to be most powerful and it causes violence and war. To be human means to have emotions. Everything we do is based on an emotion whether its fear, love, hate, happiness, sadness whatever it is we will act upon it. Every individual has feelings but its how we choose to react to our feelings that will make the difference.

What it Means to be Human

Being human means having the ability to express emotions and communicate with others. We can be compassionate, loving, caring, happy, angry, and sad. Not only can humans have these feelings, but they can also feel sympathy and empathy for others who are struggling. As human, we have the freedom to believe and value what we want, as well as accomplish anything we put our minds to. We also have the ability to think and make our own decisions; choose between right and wrong. Our future lies in our own hands because we have the power to choose our fate. But most of all, being a human is the greatest gift in the world because we can cherish the great memories we share with our family and friends and keep them in our hearts forever.


To be a human you need to have a heart. Everyone can have a heart, but have feelings as well to love things, and care for eachother. Also you need to have emotions and share those emotions with others weather they are good or bad. A human can react out to save another human using there brain and heart. Humans have complexed brains that make us superior to anything else.
There wasn't a embed code listed, so I just listed the URL.
To be human is to have complex thoughts and emotions. To be human is to have intellect and free will. To be relational, and have to communicate with your fellow man. To be pyschological, spiritual, and social. To have a short term and long term memory. To be able to philosophically question and think about things. To do more than just fight for survival and trust instincts.

What it means to be a human

Being human means to have emotions, your own beliefs, and are capable of making your own decisions. Humans can be sympathetic and have the ability to decide between what is right and what is wrong. Most humans make their decisions based on their beliefs and values that they may have learned from their parents or family. We, as humans, means that we can feel angry, sad, happy, or any other emotion we feel in that moment. We can think about the things we say and the actions we want to take; leading us to more freedom because change can come directly from our actions. We have the opportunity to change the world, the lives of others, and to decide our own future. To be a human means to be complicated because we have so much control over our lives.

To be Human...

To be Human means having the main organ that our human bodies can't live without, which is our heart. It's the key in dealing with yourself. My friend Nicole who is 18 will not be able to accomplish anything anymore. She has cancer for 8 years now, and will not be able to live life like everyone else, nor did she get the opportunity to live life like a normal teenager. But she uses the one special thing that is inside a human, which is a heart and fights against cancer. It's all about heart and soul that makes us humans incredible!

Being a human being means just about anything. Your thoughts, actions, and feeling are endless. With every thought comes a feeling and all humans act upon those feelings. These feeling can either be good or bad. To me that's what being a human is all about. Also being able to express our feelings in a calm, non-violent matter. That's what separates the humans and the animals. Animals always act on violence and most of the time that leads to no where. I think also being a human means to have power and freedoms. Humans have the most power over anything in the whole world. It doesn't matter what race, ethnicity, or religion you are, you as a human are still as powerful as the next. Anyone can do or be whatever they want to if they have the right opportunity's.

a poem on humanity

All different
All people
All races

Different thoughts
Different bodies
Different faces

We all show emotion
From all round the world
Everyone from different places

What brings us together
We shall never know
Humanity that is our basis

-Kathryn Korcz

What It Means to be Human

To be human means much more than just having a body and organs. It means having needs, wants, emotions, and feelings, and acting on them. It should not have anything to do with religion, race, or ethnicity, but unfortunately the human race is nowhere near perfect. Humans strive for power, and that desire to be superior is what leads to the many problems among the human race. Although there is always that desire for power humans have the ability to overcome that desire and use their intelligence and resources for good.

Human can...

We have the ability to sense feelings.

We have the ability to make other feel differently.

We have the ability to be sympathic and empathic.

What it means to be human, to me, means that we can be so versatile in the way we act, think and believe. Many people can think the same, have the same values and beliefs, and can be discriminated or pushed away from society because of race, wealth and stereotypes surrounding them that are false. At the same time we are all different because of what we like and dislike and how we don't think the same as well. There are many good people and a lot of evil people. It seems, to me, that over the past 100 years, humans have been more evil than ever. Over the past century, more people have been killed than any other, mainly over greed, power and because one certain society needs a scapegoat to point out so that it is alright to kill. A certain example of that would be the Holocaust during the late 1930's and early to mid 1940's, when Germany forced jewish citizens throughout Europe into concentration camps, where they killed 18 million total people, 6 million were jewish. We see it in the news everyday. Instead of constantly talking about the people who give their hard-earned money to charity, they show the person who decided to kill a group of people because of their race, the clothes they were wearing, etc. What it means to be a member of the human race is that we are all different, yet at the same time we all have something in common. Some of us succeed academically, and others succeed at physical jobs. In order for us, on this planet, to be a human race, in my mind, means that we must give up our nationalities and countries we believe we are from and just become humans. We are not Americans, we are not Italian, French, German, Hispanic, African, Russian, Asian, etc. We must be just humans, and not judge a person walking down the street because of their race, clothing and even the way they talk. It is their emotions and how they are as a person is how we must judge who a person is, not the exterior that we judge from now.

What It Means To Be Human

I feel that to be human means to be the most intelegent creature, on earth, that has ever been founded to this date. In order to be the most intellegent creature on earth, we need to have the largest brain. This gives us the power, as a species to control the world as we please. Most of the time we do bad things, like polluting and crime, that give ourselves a bad name. Also, the fact that we can not understand other species on Earth doesn't really help that we don't know how those other species are thinking. All of this ties in to how we, as humans, are the most dominant species on Earth. I feel that it will remain like that until the Earth ends, because of how we, as humans, have the best technology. We can use that technology in order to wipe out any species, which would ultimately destroy the planet Earth. While we have the largest brain out of any species, it can be used for both good and bad.
There are also good sides to being a human that we can say. Being a human means being given a gift from whoever you believe in that you can only get once in a lifetime. It is being given the gift of life, which we are taking for granted because of how ignorant we are as a species. There are a lot of stupid things done that humans take for granted, like committing suicide, complaining, and not listening to others. We, as a species, make fun of other people for what they believe in, because humans try and act like the are at the top. This is not true, because everybody is at the top whether you are wealthy or not. It is the gift given to us to be human that is the biggest gift that anybody can recieve. We are only different that any other species by having the largest brain out of any other species on Earth, and that is a fact. There are not many other differences that we have from other species. The only other difference is that we can communicate with only other humans, but not other species through talking with our voices. This just goes to show that no matter what type of thing you are, the gift of lift is the most important gift of all. Especially if you are given the gift of being a human.
I think that being a human means that we have a job to take technology and discover new science to help the world. We are the only species on the planet that has an advanced of science and technology and we have used it in various instances. We have sent a man on the moon, created computers that can send data and information in seconds, and discovered cures and vaccines to cure dangerous diseases not just for us, but for animals and humans alike.

To Be Human....

Being Human means working together. I believe we all care about similar aspects. About each other, and our surroundings. But as part of being human we need to work together. The picture I choose was from Smithtown Relay For Life 2009; Because it shows how we can all raise money for a good cause! I feel as society grows and becomes more diverse, we try to become better than one another. And just as we all came together in this Relay Event, we can do the same when it comes to race, beliefs, and causes. Part of being human is caring, and as we come to part with ourselves and others, we pull together. Just like 9/11, when our entire nation came toghther after such a harsh tragedy. If only it didn't take a tragedy...
A human must be able to love. Without love, there is no suffering. Love does not have to mean sexually, it can mean a mutual bond between friends, family, and for oneself. A human has the 5 senses. Including taste, smell, hear, see, and feel. Yes, these are physical aspects, however, these senses are what any human needs to be, human. For example, the human body needs to be able to taste. It must ingest food, and the food must ate in order to survive. A human must also be able to smell, so one may smell a poisonous gas, delicious food, or any other stench that may linger in the air. To be able to hear, enables the human to hear danger or a noise that appeals to them. When seeing, danger is also noted as well as the care of others. When one feels, the object that is being felt may make the person feel comfortable. Not only the sense of touching, but feelings. Human are here on earth to change world and God created all humans to learn from the world around us and to make a society. Humans also have emotions that's a big aspect of what it means to be human. Through one's life everyone encounters hardships and different emotions.


Being a human is to have a complex brain that allows humans to be capable of terrible and great things. Just because humans have the most complex does not mean we are more important than any other species. Every species should be treated as equals to humans. To be a human means that one has the ability to be connected with all other humans and the world around all of us.

Being human means to accept the fact that you are not the only one of your kind. There are many different variations of the human species. We are made of different colors, speak different languages and, have different lifestyles. What makes us the same is that we all go through phases of life; struggles,happy times,and bad times. We share emotions and feelings in ways that are not always visible. What i feel someone across the world is feeling the same thing and we dont even know.
"All humans are the same and all humans are different.

Steve gibiser

Many humans classifed themsevles to somekind of group. Weather the group is based on race, belifes, on gender. This pictures show how a soldier from a nation on the other side of the world feels so strongly about helping this frightened child. He doesnt care the color of his skin or the way he speaks. He only cares that he is a child who is in danger and needs a brave man to help him.

What it Means to be a Human Being

There is much more to being a human then said in its definition as being a member of the homosapien species. Every person is unique in their own way. Unfortunately, individuality and change are two important things that people fear. Humans feel the need to be superior and when something or someone different comes around people begin to feel threatened. All people are created equal, no matter what race, ethnicity or background. Human beings need to be more open to change and willing to learn about different cultures because maybe they can share more things in common then they ever would have thought.

what it means to be human

To be a human being means to be able to sympathize and empathize with others. To be a member of the human race is to be a part of the 'Homo' genus and the 'Sapien' species.

You're Only Human

A human is a simple man and woman that came from God but what we choose to do from that molds us into who we become in life. There are categories according to what society has put us into such as going by our race instead of getting to know someone first. There are Caucasians, African Americans, Chinese, Japanese, Hispanics, Native Americans...etc. We also get drawn into another category such as our religion. There's Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islamic and so on and so forth. Then we just have a simple high school student that can walk into a lunch room and just judge the whole group of friends according to whom they are sitting with. There can be the popular ones, the smart kids, the cheerleaders, the jocks, the nobodies, and the simple shy girl that has no friends because she had just moved here. Being human in this big world depends on how we can take society's seriousness. We can go on critiquing the "nobodies" or we can snap out of the negative part of society which is pressuring us to be judgemental. We can use our hearts we were born with to feel the sense of wrongness in judging someone. We as humans do have emotion, all of us, even if we don't care to show it. Making mistakes is something that coincides with being a human because if no one made mistakes, we would have nothing to learn from in life. No one is perfect in this world and everyone of us has a hardship to face at one point. Whether it was in our past, present, or is going to happen in our future, trouble is going to be in our lives whether we like it or not. But the good news about it, is that we can become stronger human beings and make the best of our life here on Earth. And I'm not saying we're not allowed to feel upset when something bad happens or feel happiness if something great happens. The great part about being a human is that we're allowed to feel those emotions and we're allowed to make choices about what we're going to be when we get older. We all can overcome society little by little if we all had compassion for one another. We can take out all the negative and make a bad thing into something positive. That's the beauty of being a human being.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What It Means To Be Human

Human nature
"Human nature is the concept that there are a set of characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling and acting, that all 'normal' human beings have in common."

A 'normal' human is one who contains emotions and can keep memories of the happy, the sad, and the memorable events in their life. Humans are able to interact with each other through verbal and non-verbal communication. The human mind is also the most complex among all other animals, as it allows them to think uniquely. The mind promotes the development of societies and controls parts of the environment 'mostly' for the better.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What it means to be human

It means to be be a part of the human race and know you aren't the only one who belongs there.

What it means to be Human

To be human means to have abilities other animals don't. For example humans can listen and enjoy music, play sports, read, write, drive a car, etc. The human mind is also much more complex. It contains feelings, thoughts, and memories. The human race can also comunicate with language. We also have a universal idea of what is right and wrong.

What it means to be human

"Consider the following. We humans are social beings. We come into the world as the result of others' actions. We survive here in dependence on others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives when we do not benefit from others' activities. For this reason it is hardly surprising that most of our happiness arises in the context of our relationships with others.
Nor is it so remarkable that our greatest joy should come when we are motivated by concern for others. But that is not all. We find that not only do altruistic actions bring about happiness but they also lessen our experience of suffering. Here I am not suggesting that the individual whose actions are motivated by the wish to bring others' happiness necessarily meets with less misfortune than the one who does not. Sickness, old age, mishaps of one sort or another are the same for us all. But the sufferings which undermine our internal peace -- anxiety, doubt, disappointment -- these things are definitely less. In our concern for others, we worry less about ourselves. When we worry less about ourselves an experience of our own suffering is less intense.
What does this tell us? Firstly, because our every action has a universal dimension, a potential impact on others' happiness, ethics are necessary as a means to ensure that we do not harm others. Secondly, it tells us that genuine happiness consists in those spiritual qualities of love, compassion, patience, tolerance and forgiveness and so on. For it is these which provide both for our happiness and others' happiness."-Ethics for a New Millennium, by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

To be human, you have to be able to love and feel life all around you. You have to understand the concept of life and what it feels like to be emotional. You have to be sad when things upset you, be happy when life is looking up. You have to be able to not judge someone based on race, gender, or religion. To be human you must except all other races, genders and religions as human because even though they might not speak the same language as you, I bet they can feel the same emotions you do. Although we might be individuals we are a society and as a society we must treat each other with respect and as humans.


To be human is to be part of a collective group.  We are individuals, yet part of a society.  There is a common link between all of us; if we can remember that, there will be harmony in the world.  Everybody feels pain and joy and love, but when we forget that, and start singling out the differences, problems begin.  As humans we have to look out for one another. We should strive for unity instead of creating discourse.

Human Being

I think to be human is to be indescribable. Some consider being human, being able to express emotion whether it be good or bad, and convey their own thoughts and ideas to others. Others consider being human to be a lucky break, perhaps, because of the opposable thumbs. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Marianne Williamson once said, "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." I think she said it pretty well to be human means to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous, its about being exactly who you want to be. Being human gives one the ability to think for themselves and have their own opinions on anything and everything they want. However I also think that being human reserves you the right to decide for yourself what it really means so you can agree and disagree with whatever you want and that's what makes it so special, these are just my personal opinions on what being human is.

what it means to be human

What does it mean to be part of the human race?

This song from the classic Disney movie Pocahontas is the perfect example of how humans need to step back and consider others and other things befroe themselves. Humans have the ability to communicate and experience emotions to extremly important aspects of like but with that they also have the ability to hurt other physically and verbally. If i had a super power i would choose to remove at the hurt in the world. The tears that had to be shed for things unnecesary evils other people do to you. People work so hard in the life, I know I do, and each day is a new opportunity. When people bring me down I wish I could just wish them away because my feelings and my heart are branded on my sleeve.

This scene shows another sign of the human heart.... sacrafice. Humans love unconditionally and will do anything for the friends and family in their lives each and everyday. Giving you blood sweat and tears to the people that mean the most shows you are truly for the overall betterment of the human race. Its all about giving and getting happiness in return. You need to feel compassion for others because humans thrive on emotions.

Feeling and longing are the motive forces behind all human endeavor and human creations.

Human Being